Trademarked (IP) Service Brands, created by "The Enterpriser"

an Alpha Mastermind Coaching platform centralized on Blazing the Pathway for SME Management from Lackluster of "C-SUITE" execution.™ Based on
its 15 years + of marketplace research & development, The Enterpriser® 
repetitively notices a vast indistinguishable ruin of EQ, IQ, SQ, AQ and CQ
therein aspiring business owners. Via his "genesis like" branding creativity, 
Mr. Trailblazer™ came about from its derivative brand concept Betacoach®
TaxNerd® is a Tax Resolution
& Consumer Servicing company
that provide a wide range of
tax resolutions. We establish & administer your bottom-line so
you can focus on doing what
you do best - building your
brand & thriving in your work!
When it comes to Taxes It's not who
you know, It's What You Know!®
a multi-cultural platform that ally together consumers, vendors & top-tier professionals on current events, the Sales of Goods/Products and Services, Intellectual Property Sharing, Health and Wellness, Family & Household Socialization, in addition to next generation Succession Planning so nevertheless humanity can experience ongoing 
economic and life advancement.

an Athletic Skills Development platform, Helping Humanity to Achieve It's Full Potential™ with intangible & tangible techniques for long-term athletic succession. Uniqueness is what powers Betacoach, for the birthing of quantum-explosive capabilities. Pedagogue training so your
child-player ages 8 to 13 can Dominate With Consistency™

a key component that is pertinent in tracking business activity stems from what is chronicled on paper. 
PayperTrail™ is a Recordkeeping & Money Management service that optimizes and counteracts "under the table" philosophies, conferring you to be notable on paper for diverse types of asset acquisition
in all marketplaces to position you for long-term business succession.
a Travel Arrangement & Reservation (airfare, concierge & ground chauffeur) brand that provides revolutionary travel accomodations that will engrave long lasting memories on the soul for generations to come. Family travel
can most of the time become a daunting task, especially when having to incorporate children, eldery, disabled, you name it. SKYRYDE™ came about to fill a void, so people aren't left behind lacking the experience of global travel because of that infamous recitation "we can't afford a vacation".
Lease-To-Buy-Homes® came about
to implement a pathway for the stabilization of Family, Marketplace Growth and ultimately Community Gentrification. Many americans nationwide go through a systemic burdensome process in regards to finding a stable place to live.
We pave the way & pass-down marketplace knowledge to fuel ongoing community economics.

a Lawncare and Garden Design svc. based brand that takes joy in
dressing your property to achieve landscaping tranquility. Based on its 15 years + of ongoing marketplace
R & D, TheEnterpriser® noticed a lackluster of branding in this wide open industry. wellkept™ came about to verbalize "unexplained" satisfaction in which consumers conitnually experience via lawncare.


a Cloud Computing, IT Support & Tech Consulting brand that is astute in leveraging cutting edge tech via IT infrastructure for second-to-none business optimization. Operating off the grid, will only go as far as you can through it. Tech-IT-ouT embraces trobuleshooting, with its "special forces" like philosophies to create remote workflows & cloud databases, for perpetual revenue.


a Diet Planning & Weight Reduction
service brand that counter-attacks lackluster through unconventional regimens, so you can maintain that long awaited, desired physique.

is an organization that not only teach and preach the living word of God,
we empower, build & rebuild people (men, women & children) into living epistles so they too can live out their God ordained purpose an become 
sound husbands & wives, church/cmty. leaders, marketplace professionals
& entrepreneurs, whom at the appointed time are deployed into the world
to bring about "Economic Stabilization" for the Kingdom of God on earth.

For The Enterpriser® Keynote Speaker bookings, click the link below:

"Some of the most influential business brand concepts were born from a position of solitude. In order to effectively establish
intercourse with a brand concept, the heart must be willing to undergo momentary comradeship